Protein powder: what it is, how t0 take it and what are its benefits

protein shake

fashionfriends brings together in this guide the essentials of protein powder before and after training, as well as the recommendations of functional nutrition.

Protein powders are a supplement that is often included in the routine of those who practice sports activities, for muscle development or even to achieve a healthy weight. But that is not all. Protein supplements are a convenient way to achieve our daily protein intake , especially when basic needs cannot be fully met by a protein-rich diet .

That is why here we present everything you need to know about protein powders:

What are proteins?

Protein is a fundamental component of our body for bones, blood, muscle building and hormones. Foods such as meat, fish, dairy products and eggs provide us with protein. Legumes, seeds, grains, nuts, cereals, soy and, above all, green leafy vegetables also fulfill this function.


What happens when protein is low?

A deficiency can cause symptoms such as constant fatigue , muscle atrophy, hair loss and brittle nails . However, protein deficiency is often accompanied by other important nutrients and vitamins. This absence can occur especially in a busy daily life or when traveling and when a balanced diet is not available. That’s when nutritionists recommend taking protein powder products .

This is because: “ Protein powder is a concentrated form of protein that comes from various sources, for example from animal products such as whey and casein , or from plant sources such as soy , peas and hemp”, explains, Vogue’s functional nutrition consultant.

How much protein should I consume per day?

For adults, each meal should contain about 30 grams of protein . This corresponds to three whole eggs, 100 grams of chicken breast, 140 grams of tuna and 180 grams of edamame grains, according to nutrition expert. The ideal amount and time of day to consume it depend on the product and, above all, your goals, as well as the recommendation of your family doctor.

How do I know how many grams of protein powder I should take?

If you want to achieve an ideal weight, a protein shake between meals is good for losing fat. If maintaining your physique after training is important to you, adding a protein shake before and after  can help improve your performance. You should consume no later than 30 minutes after training , when the muscle is more receptive and the shake will have a better effect. The amount will depend on the recommendation of your nutrition expert.

What happens if I take protein powder for breakfast?

Breakfast protein powder is ideal in a smoothie, complemented with nuts and fruit. Good to know: Proteins also guarantee a long-lasting feeling of satiety, while carbohydrates make you feel hungry again after a short time.

The best way to consume protein powder:

Protein powder can be mixed with foods and drinks, even water. It can be in a smoothie, dairy or dairy-free products, yogurt, oatmeal, and even baked goods.

protein powder

Differences between available protein powders

  • Whey protein is the watery part of milk that separates from the curds during the cheese-making process. Although whey comes from cow’s milk, whey protein is low in lactose and easily digestible . It is also a complete protein that provides all nine essential amino acids. Leucine, the most powerful amino acid for muscle building, is important.
  • Whey Isolate : Contains more protein and less fat and carbohydrates than whey. It also contains less lactose, so it may be more suitable and tolerable for people with lactose intolerance and sensitivity.
  • Casein: Also present in milk, casein provides the body with a slow and constant release of amino acids. It is ideal before fasting situations.
  • Grain protein , whether hemp or soy: These plant protein sources are ideal for vegans. Hemp is also a very well tolerated protein, making it good for people with digestive problems.

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