All the benefits 0f moringa that make it a miraculous superfood


Its properties are antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, suitable for slowing aging and improving intestinal health.

Its origins are ancient, but its benefits are very modern and, above all, tangible: it is native to India, where it has been used for centuries in alternative medicine to prevent and treat numerous ailments.

The morin ga is a plant endowed with innate strength, to the point that it has been renamed the ” miracle tree” : the moringa oleifera is strong and resistant, capable of growing in unfavorable conditions, poor soils and even drought, reaching up to 10 meters high.

Also known in food and cosmetics, moringa can become an excellent supplement to add to the diet, and thanks to its multiple properties we could even consider it a superfood .

Taken in the form of leaves, fruits, flowers, seeds, bark and roots , it can be consumed as an infusion or extract, but also in powder, oil or tablets, which are added to the wellness routine to fully enjoy all the benefits it can provide. to the organism.

What are the benefits of moringa?

Moringa should not be considered only as a supplement, but can be part of the regular diet . From a nutritional point of view, in fact, it seems to be rich in amino acids, vitamins and mineral salts , which make this plant a wonder for the well-being of the entire organism. A true superfood rich in nutrients and  in  health benefits that we explain in detail below:

  • Moringa leaves are rich in B vitamins, essential amino acids, vitamins A and C, as well as calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. They are consumed cooked, but also crushed and powdered to prepare teas and infusions.
  • The immature pods of the plant contain a lot of fiber , but also magnesium , potassium and manganese.
  • Moring a seeds and oil can be consumed boiled or roasted. In particular, the oil—also known as Ben or Behen oil—contains oleic acid, vitamins and minerals .
  • The roots , which are eaten chopped, are considered edible and are used to flavor dishes, but should not be eaten in large quantities. The presence of spiroquine, an alkaloid, appears to interfere with nerve transmission. Mornga roots also appear to have abortifacient properties , so they should only be taken under medical supervision.

5 benefits of taking a moringa supplement

Supplements consist of dried and powdered mo ringa leaves , but there are also extracts obtained from the seeds of the plant and powders obtained from the leaves, enclosed in capsules or tablets or available in loose powder form.

In any of its forms, the benefits of moringa remain almost miraculous: this plant is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial , rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, which amplify its antioxidant properties .

1 – Fight aging

Its high protein, vitamin and mineral content makes moringa supplements a valuable source of vitamin A, C, calcium and iron. It also contains essential amino acids and antioxidants , which protect cells from free radicals.

2 – Improves intestinal health

Taking a mori nga supplement can promote intestinal motility and prevent constipation. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can strengthen the intestinal flora and improve digestion.

3 – Moringa supplements: reduce sugars

Its  hypoglycemic properties make it an excellent supplement to keep blood sugar levels low . An invaluable help to prevent diabetes and, in some cases, also to control body weight.

4 – Moringa strengthens the immune system

The micronutrients and antioxidants present in moringa supplements can protect the body against infections and diseases. Studies also show that this plant can strengthen the immune system and increase the production of white blood cells.

5 – Reduces blood pressure

As a powerful anti-inflammatory, moringa helps reduce blood pressure and prevent cardiovascular problems. An extra help to keep your heart healthy.

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