Asparagus, the unexpected spring vegetable that has m0re benefits than a multivitamin


Sprouted between March and April, they are both a gourmet dish and a dietary accompaniment: asparagus is a bomb of vitamins, minerals and perfect for detox recipes.

Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables is a responsible gesture, good for the planet and for your health. And when it comes to tasty spring vegetables so rich in properties that they can compete with a multivitamin, integrating them into a healthy diet is even easier.

Such is the case of asparagus, which has a concentrate of benefits that promotes the health and well-being of the body: antioxidants, diuretics and full of vitamins, they lend themselves both to becoming a gourmet dish and to being part of a diet. hypocaloric.

There are (almost) all colors, but it doesn’t matter: whether white, green, pink or purple, the virtues of this vegetable native to the Mediterranean basin and Asia Minor remain unchanged.

Among the best-known properties is the mild diuretic action of asparagus, even wild ones, which cleanses the body, although with a small side effect: urine may contain traces of sulfur, which has a quite characteristic odor.

What are the benefits of asparagus?

If the presence of antioxidants and vitamins were not enough to make asparagus the best ally of health in spring, the nutritional values could choose it as an essential ally of nutrition.

In fact, a 100 gram serving of asparagus only contains 20 calories, but also 50% protein, 42% carbohydrates and only 8% lipids. Even more important for the health and well-being of the body are its nutritional values. In fact, asparagus contains several micronutrients, such as:

  • Vitamin E and vitamin C, essential against oxidative stress;
  • Thiamin and group B vitamins, useful as a source of energy to keep concentration high and essential to regulate blood sugar;
  • Vitamin K, which is involved in blood clotting and bone health;
  • Folic acid essential for pregnant women—it contributes to the development of the fetus—and can also prevent diseases of the nervous system;
  • Beta-carotene and carotenoids, which promote the assimilation of vitamin A, essential to prevent aging;
  • Glutathione, which counteracts the harmful effects of the sun’s rays;
  • Magnesium and potassium, which help control anxiety and physical fatigue, acting as a true stress reliever;
  • Calcium, phosphorus and chromium, minerals that regulate insulin’s ability to transport glucose to cells;
  • Selenium, manganese, iron, zinc and copper, excellent antioxidants.

Why is it important to eat asparagus?

Thanks to its ability to stimulate diuresis and the fiber it provides, asparagus has excellent benefits for the intestine and regularity. The presence of fiber also helps keep sugar and cholesterol levels under control.

It also has a positive effect in terms of prevention: being excellent sources of antioxidants, asparagus fights infections, but it is also revealed as a formidable aid in diets, both due to its low calorie content and the presence of group B vitamins, which promote the proper functioning of the metabolism.


Asparags can be considered free of contraindications. However, their consumption is not recommended for those who suffer from cystitis, kidney stones, kidney failure and nephritis, since they stimulate diuresis. The presence of purines and auric acid also discourages the consumption of asparagu s in cases of gout or hyperuricemia.

Is it better to consume cooked or raw asparagus?

Consumed cooked or raw, the benefits of asparagus remain unchanged. What deserves some attention, however, is the cooking water, which can be reused to prepare an herbal tea with a detoxifying effect.

Enriched with lemon and ginger, it is ideal for achieving a diuretic and detoxifying effect. It is also a useful combination for combating hangovers, especially if consumed fresh in the morning after a night of alcohol.

1 Comment

  1. […] modern and, above all, tangible: it is native to India, where it has been used for centuries in alternative medicine to prevent and treat numerous […]

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