Are avocados healthy? An expert explains how t0 integrate them correctly


Are avocados really healthy? The answer is almost always ‘yes’. It all depends on the frequency and how you include them in your diet.

Avocados are healthy, delicious and full of vitamins. Nutrition expert explains the pros and cons of this fruit, just as you read it, a fruit as soft and delicious as butter.

Avocado, also known as palta in some Latin American countries, provides many nutrients to the body. This is according to the German, who is an expert in healthy nutrition and has written so many recipe and food books that she could almost fill an entire shelf with them.

His most recent publication is titled “Eat healthy: strengthen the microbiome with a proper diet” and with this release we dared to ask him to what extent avocado is healthy and what is the best way to include it in a balanced diet.

Is avocado really healthy?

“Avocados are as healthy as other vegetables, but they cannot compete with cabbage, for example. Their high fat content gives them a special role, because we can replace traditional bread ingredients, such as sausage ham or cheese, with avocados. This saves our body from saturated fat, but also excess salt. In addition, avocados are eaten raw, which preserves their sensitive vitamins such as folic acid,” explains nutrition.

Many beneficial health properties are attributed to avocado: it is said to keep you satiated for a long time, to keep blood sugar levels constant, to guarantee the reduction of cholesterol and triglyceride levels and, therefore, to reduce the risk of suffering a stroke or heart attack.

Below we reveal which nutritional values stand out especially in avocados and why:

  • The unsaturated fatty acids contained in avocados (for example, the enzyme lipase) can help the body break down fats.
  • The B vitamins, vitamin K, vitamin E and vitamin C, which avocados contain, can improve the absorption of nutrients in the body.
  • Potassium contributes to the health of nerve and muscle cells, reduces blood pressure and thus promotes heart health. Avocados are very rich in potassium.
  • Avocados are rich in folic acid, which can have a positive effect on mother and child during pregnancy.
  • The fiber contained in avocados promotes digestion and positive intestinal health.
  • The antioxidants present in avocados have a protective effect on cells.
  • The lutein in avocados is especially good for the eyes and can prevent diseases such as cataracts.

How to buy avocados?

Since producing avocados not only requires a lot of water, but growing them is a highly political issue (Google keyword: avocado war), you should make sure you buy avocados from regional crops. Organic quality is also essential when it comes to avoiding pesticides and ensuring that avocados are grown in the most environmentally friendly way possible. Avocados are usually sold pre-ripe in supermarkets. And it takes a lot of energy to store (and ripen) fruit this way. Therefore, it is better to buy avocados as unripe as possible and leave them at home for a few days.

Important to mention: Avocados not only require a large amount of water to grow, but also a lot of energy. Therefore, they are not a truly sustainable food. So make sure to always consume it completely and not throw it away because you forget.

  1. It is best to buy avocados only from regional producers.
  2. Avocados should be sustainably sourced as much as possible.
  3. For environmental reasons, it is better to buy non-pre-ripened avocados at the supermarket.

How often and in what quantity should I eat avocado?

According to nutrition, they should be a regular part of your diet to maintain a healthy diet. “This is especially beneficial for vegans. The combination of avocados and tomatoes is especially good. And the bread on which the avocado is spread does not need to have additional butter,” and she adds: “Avocados are digested very well and are suitable for any time of the day.” What makes this fruit even more popular is that it is very suitable to eat as a sandwich (the famous avocado toast), also in a salad for lunch or with tortilla chips as an evening snack.


Can you eat the avocado pit?

The avocado pit cannot be eaten. However, you can use it to grow your own plant. To do this, insert two or three toothpicks into the side of the bone and place a container of water underneath. Thanks to the supports, the bone can rest in the water and germinate. Important: The bowl should always be kept in a warm place, for example near a window.

How to properly preserve avocados?

You probably know this problem: the avocado is too hard or too soft and when you blink, it suddenly becomes ripe. For the avocado to acquire the perfect consistency, it is important that you store it correctly: fruits such as bananas or apples should always be stored separately, as they ripen more quickly when they are close to other foods. Also store your avocados in a cool, dark place. As soon as it is soft on the outside, you have to eat them quickly.

3 quick and delicious recipes with avocado

Few foods are as versatile as avocado. Whether as a spread, as a dip, on pizza dough, in a salad or baked: This fruit is extremely versatile and is perfect for vegetarian and vegan cuisine . Here are three simple recipes to try.

Basic Guacamole

The most popular way to prepare avocados is in a delicious guacamole. To do this you need garlic, olive oil, salt, pepper and a little lemon juice. Cut the avocado lengthwise, turn it and separate the halves. Once the stone is removed, you can take out the fruit with a spoon and mix it with the other ingredients. If you want, you can add a chopped tomato at the end. Serve it over corn chips or with a tortilla, and enjoy!

Baked avocado

Avocados with eggs are a popular and balanced way to serve this tropical fruit in Europe. To do this, open them on the sides and split the halves to pit the avocado. Now place a beaten egg in the hole where the bone used to be. Season with a little salt, pepper and maybe some sesame seeds and cook in the oven until the egg is completely cooked. And that’s it!

avocados and health

Avocado sandwich or avocado toast

Avocados are naturally higher in (healthy) fat than other vegetables. That is why they are so suitable for a balanced diet. They replace butter in bread and also provide vitamins, nutrients and a delicious flavor. Cut an avocado into slices and place them on the bread of your choice. Now you can add a little lemon juice, salt and pepper and finish with fresh alfalfa sprouts or tomatoes.

1 Comment

  1. […] the best-known properties is the mild diuretic action of asparagus, even wild ones, which cleanses the body, although with a small side effect: urine may contain traces of sulfur, which has a quite […]

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