Drinking hot water with honey in the morning is good f0r your health


A glass in the morning on an empty stomach (or at night before going to bed) is rich in minerals, vitamins, enzymes and amino acids that provide various benefits to the body.

Drinking hot water and honey in the morning– a good habit to try. As you already know, honey is a food with extraordinary properties. But perhaps not so well known is that it must be taken every day in a small amount to provide the body with multiple benefits.

There are those who take it as part of a healthy breakfast and those who drink hot water with honey in the morning on an empty stomach seeking a dose of well-being for the body. Alone, or with added lemon or cinnamon, we should all try the glass of hot water and honey, at least for a while.

Properties of a glass of hot water with honey

Honey contains 181 substances beneficial to the body, including vitamins, especially B complex and vitamin C, minerals, amino acids, proteins, bioactive substances such as flavonoids, phenols, several types of enzymes and sugars, mainly monosaccharides and oligosaccharides, including fructose. and glucose.

Among the properties of honey, the following stand out:

  • Antioxidant action
  • Antibacterial action
  • Antimicrobial action
  • Anti-inflammatory action
  • Decongestant action
  • Detoxifying action

Drinking hot water, on the other hand, has several beneficial properties, including:

  • Detoxifies the body by eliminating toxins.
  • Purifies the kidneys
  • Improves fluid retention
  • Accelerates metabolism

10 health benefits of drinking a glass of hot water with honey

  1. Gives energy throughout the day: Acts as an energy booster thanks to quality vitamins and sugars.
  2. Purifies the intestine: Since it is rich in probiotic bacteria beneficial for the intestine and stomach, which fight microtoxins.
  3. Helps maintain a healthy weight: By purifying the intestine and eliminating toxins, it helps with digestion, taken in appropriate doses.
  4. Reduces cholesterol: A study from the University of Copenhagen states that drinking water and honey daily helps reduce bad cholesterol by 10%.
  5. Reduces blood glucose levels: It has a positive effect on insulin resistance, protecting the kidneys from the onset of diabetic kidney disease.
  6. Protects the kidneys: Honey reduces high levels of creatinine and azotemia in patients with kidney disease and, thanks to its anticrobic and antibacterial properties, helps against kidney infections.
  7. Fights fluid retention: By exerting a diuretic action on the kidneys, it helps counteract the accumulation of excess fluid in the body
  8. It is a powerful antioxidant: It protects cells from damage caused by oxidative stress, preventing many diseases related to inflammatory states.
  9. Strengthens the immune system: Honey is a natural antibacterial that helps with coughs and sore throats.
  10. Moisturizes the entire body from the inside: Not only on the skin, honey has a nourishing and moisturizing effect on the entire body, also from the inside.

Hot water with honey on an empty stomach or at night before going to bed?

The glass of warm water and honey can be drunk early in the morning on an empty stomach, as the first sip of the day, in the same way as water and lemon, or water and apple cider vinegar.

But there are also those who prefer to take it at night before going to sleep because some types of honey (for example, linden honey) have calming anti-stress properties that promote sleep. Taken before bed, water and honey can also help with weight loss by improving lipid digestion and reducing “nighttime cravings,” that is, those cravings for sweet foods that usually appear at night.

Contraindications of hot water with honey

Given its caloric content and the presence of sugar (honey contains 80% of this), the only contraindications to ingesting honey are for diabetic people and those who are overweight or obese.

How much honey should you eat per day?

Honey is sweeter than sugar, but it is a healthy food with much better nutritional values than the latter. It has 300 kcal per 100 g, with a good glycemic index, a carbohydrate content of 23% and 0% fat. Regarding the amount of honey that can be consumed per day, the ideal dose is 10-12 grams of honey, that is, one or two teaspoons per day.

hot water

3 ways to drink hot water with honey

We leave you three ways to add this beneficial drink to your routine:

1 – Water with honey and lemon

Adding lemon increases the purifying and antibacterial action, helping to eliminate toxins and strengthen the immune system.

2 – Honey and cinnamon water

If you are looking for a slimming action, try adding a pinch of cinnamon with fat-burning properties to a teaspoon of honey and mix it with hot water.

3 – Honey water and Himalayan pink salt

To take at night before going to bed, it has a relaxing action thanks to the magnesium provided by pink Himalayan salt, which reduces the production of cortisol, the stress hormone.


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