7 reasons that will convince you to walk barefoot every day


“To reconnect with nature and myself, I walk barefoot through the grass and take an ice bath”

Coming home and taking off your shoes to walk around the home is an indescribable feeling. Especially if you’ve been outside all day and your feet are swollen and sore. It is, in short, a liberating act. It gives us peace.

However, walking barefoot is an activity that we limit ourselves to only at home – and not even that widely – or at most on the beach when we are on vacation once a year and for the short stretch that goes from the umbrella to the sea.

Why is it good to walk barefoot?

However, walking barefoot is very good for your health, and it is the method that models also uses to feel more rooted in nature and connected to herself. A model share her experience and said

For two years, recovering from burnout and the Lyme disease she suffers from, the supermodel has taken refuge in her ranch, abandoning the catwalks and focusing solely on her physical and mental health. Here she has found a new balance where animals and nature play a fundamental role.

“Every day I find time to do something that roots me, which ‘gets me back on track,’ the model explains. Like riding a horse, writing, talking with open people, taking care of my dog and simply being in nature.” It is in those moments when she takes off her shoes to walk barefoot. As she herself says, walking barefoot on the grass is one of the things she does to reconnect with nature and with herself.

We should be inspired by her and find times more often to take off our shoes and walk barefoot (better if it is during the first 3 hours of the day), other than just at home at the end of the day. Maybe in the park one of the next Sundays?


7 reasons why walking barefoot is good for your overall health:

Physical benefits

  • Improved circulation: The direct connection with the earth improves blood circulation, reducing swelling and the feeling of heaviness in the legs, providing a feeling of lightness and well-being.
  • Nervous system stimulation: When walking barefoot, the nerves in the feet are activated, improving nerve function and promoting greater tactile and proprioceptive sensitivity, which contributes to better coordination and balance.

Mental benefits

  • Stress reduction: Connection with the earth during barefoot walking promotes a feeling of calm and tranquility, helping to reduce stress and anxiety levels, and promoting a clear and serene mind.
  • Cognitive stimulation: Sensory stimulation during barefoot walking awakens the senses, improving concentration and mental acuity, resulting in greater clarity of thought and creativity.

Emotional benefits:

  • Promotes connection with oneself: This practice nurtures authenticity and self-reflection, allowing us to cultivate a deeper relationship with ourselves. By becoming more aware of our body and its interaction with the environment, we gain a clearer understanding of our physical, mental and emotional needs, promoting greater comprehensive well-being.
  • Connection with nature: Feeling the earth under your feet awakens a deep connection with nature, which can generate a feeling of rootedness and belonging, as well as a greater appreciation for the environment around us.
  • Feelings of Gratitude: The experience of walking barefoot can inspire a deep sense of gratitude toward the earth and the body, reminding us of the importance of being present and appreciating life’s simple gifts. This cultivated gratitude can nourish our emotional well-being and promote a more positive attitude toward ourselves and our environment.


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