Turmeric can also perfectly whiten teeth naturally if you use it like this


Whether straight on your toothbrush or in a hot drink, turmeric can whiten your teeth, reduce inflammation, and strengthen your immune system.

Although spring already feels close, winter continues to grip us with its unpleasant claws. On the train, in the park, at work: no matter where, people blow their nose, clear their throat, and cough. Hypochondriacs like me immediately sense the next infection. But is there a way to minimize the risk?

Why try drinking golden milk?

I find out: How can you naturally protect yourself against infections? As a beauty editor, I know that cold showers, for example, which I tried at the beginning of winter, have a major immune-boosting effect. However, with a virus-ridden toddler and traveling by train, I sometimes catch a cold. But why always wear a mask like we were back in the pandemic? It’s no longer an option for me. There has to be another way! A friend recommends coffee with turmeric, widely advertised on social networks and the Internet and used in Ayurveda for thousands of years.

I want to order it, but then I hesitate. Does golden milk really make sense for the immune system? I better ask first. Nutrition expert from Germany confirms this: “Yes, turmeric is anti-inflammatory and has a strong antioxidant effect. Antioxidants are vitamins capable of neutralizing free radicals in the body. They act as a protective shield against viruses that attack Ilumaa continues: “Taken regularly, turmeric can whiten teeth, alleviate illnesses, regulate digestion and even have a positive effect on the psyche and the health of the skin and hair.”

When ginger, cinnamon, and pepper are added, as in turmeric latte or golden milk, the result is a true immune-boosting blend. After all, cinnamon, ginger and black pepper also have the aforementioned anti-inflammatory properties. While cinnamon also has an antidiabetic effect, ginger has been shown to kill viruses. “This combination optimally strengthens the immune system during the cold season”.


How to drink golden milk to whiten teeth?

Although it seems counterintuitive due to the yellowish color of turmeric, it can be used to whiten teeth. The best way to achieve this is to mix it with coconut oil and place a little of this mixture on your toothbrush. However, including it in your hot drinks can also help whiten your teeth, although the result is not as effective.

You can make the golden milk yourself with these recipes, but I decide to order a ready-mixed powder. This way I save a lot of time and I can be sure that the mixture of turmeric, cinnamon, ginger and company has a really round flavor. “To obtain a golden milk, add a teaspoon of powder per cup to the non-dairy milk of your choice,” says the nutrition expert. I try various flavors, from oat milk to almond milk; My favorite for teeth whitening is golden milk in a smooth, velvety foam alternative to soy and oat milk.

When to drink golden milk to whiten teeth?

I usually have my turmeric latte in the morning. I often make myself a Golden Latte and sit in front of my laptop; I enjoy the weekend with a copious brunch. Or in the afternoon instead of coffee, which I don’t tolerate as well due to the caffeine. I’ve finally found an alternative: When everyone else drinks fluffy cappuccino, I make my own frothy turmeric drink. turmeric latte can be drunk at any time of the day, as it has no stimulating effect. On the contrary, it has a calming effect when taken at night, and may help some people fall asleep and stay asleep.

These are the benefits I have noticed after consuming turmeric for four weeks

I can’t say that my daily golden milk has become a chore. In fact, I almost celebrated it, mixing my drink in pretty ceramic mugs. I also notice the effects. At least I haven’t gotten sick in the last few weeks, even though all the families around us have one infection after another. There are also side effects that can be measured. My skin is much better, my teeth are much whiter, I have less inflammation and pimples. And I don’t feel bloated as often anymore.


The pros and cons of golden milk

That’s it for my experience with golden milk. If you want to try the experiment, you may also be interested in these advantages and disadvantages of golden milk with turmeric.

Turmeric: Turmeric, or the curcumin it contains, has anti-inflammatory properties, can strengthen the immune system, facilitate digestion, whiten teeth and relieve joint pain. In addition, several studies are currently investigating its protection against chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon contains a lot of cinnamaldehyde, an essential oil that has been shown to inhibit the growth of some types of bacteria, molds and yeasts, as well as the production of toxins by some microorganisms. Other ingredients in cinnamon have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, in addition to keeping blood sugar levels constant. So it’s no surprise that it is a traditional home remedy for bleeding, dental problems, bad breath and digestive problems.

Ginger: Ginger is rich in essential oils and pungent substances known as gingerols. Ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect, activates intestinal activity and, in laboratory tests, its ingredients have been shown to be effective against various viruses.

Black Pepper: Black pepper contains spicy piperine. Studies have shown that piperine has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Also cool: the spicy substance can improve the bioavailability of other nutrients, like the turmeric in Golden Milk. Piperine is also said to improve mental performance.

perfect whiten teeth

Disadvantages of Golden Milk: People who are pregnant, have gallstones, or are prone to kidney stones should be careful when consuming turmeric. Excessive consumption can also cause allergic skin reactions. It is best to always monitor, do not overdo it and ask a doctor for advice if in doubt.

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