The best tips and ideas for setting up your 0wn spa at home


Setting up a spa at home may seem difficult, but with a little space and the right products, you can create a great environment. Pampering your skin has never been more important than now that the advancement of science has put the best creams at your disposal. After your routine at work, school, etc., you may be fatigued and it is always a good opportunity to pamper yourself.

It’s time to take care of yourself and give yourself the moment of relaxation that you so deserve. You don’t need large beauty salons or very sophisticated places. From the comfort of your home you can create your own space to relax. Turn your afternoon into a spa experience with the best treatments without having to leave home. Here we tell you how:


Ideas to enjoy your own spa at home

Get used to the idea that this moment is unique and totally dedicated to you, trying to eliminate all distractions. Turn off your phone and prepare any suitable space to be your sanctuary for a while.

You can use aromatic candles, pleasant music and create a harmonious environment that relaxes your senses and allows you to enjoy a good moment with yourself.

Declare the bathroom as your exclusive area

Water is purification and relaxation, so there is no better area to create a spa at home than the bathroom. Set it so that it feels as close to your own personal paradise as possible. It can be conditioned with the elements you have on hand, such as candles, incense or essential oils of your favorite aroma.

Make sure everything around you is organized so that harmony reigns and allows you to relax. You can also turn to a relaxing playlist or your own musical selection. Make sure you have everything you need for your cleaning routine close by and avoid interrupting these moments to go out looking for them.

spa things

Essential oils

If you have a bathtub, this will be the ideal place to start pampering yourself. Fill it with water with rich aromas and immerse yourself in it. For this step, you can use a concentrated cleanser that is activated with hot water.

If you don’t have a bathtub at home, you can lie or sit comfortably in the bathroom or some other room where you can apply steam. This way you can begin to decongest the pores and, in the process, you can cleanse your body.

Body scrub

Once the body is moist and clean, you can proceed to exfoliate it. For this, you can apply Body Scrub giving a gentle massage all over your body, pampering it and thanking it for everything it does for you. After rubbing for a few minutes, rinse and your skin will feel very soft, toned and fresh.

You should put main emphasis on the driest areas, such as the elbow and knee areas.

Moisturizing foot cream

Another aspect to take into account is pampering your feet, which are what carry you all day and allow you to do all your activities.

When you get out of the bathtub, once they are exfoliated, don’t forget to apply a highly hydrating cream. This manages to deeply hydrate the feet, taking care of the heel area and allowing sweat to be regulated and neutralizing bad odors.

feet moisturizing during spa

Moisturizing lotion

After drying your body, don’t forget to pamper it with a moisturizing cream, since, being freshly exfoliated, it will absorb nutrients much better.

With this step, the pampering for the body ends, but there is still a lot to pamper to be satisfied.

A special spa for your face

Of course, in this case, you have to take special care, since the face is your letter of introduction. But it is also the area that receives the most damage, from the sun’s rays, makeup, etc. and that is why it is extremely necessary to give him rest and special care.

Makeup remover

The first thing will be to remove any makeup residue left on your skin. For this, it is best to use a makeup remover. This allows you to hydrate and soothe the skin, in addition to having anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties and strengthens eyelashes.

1 Comment

  1. […] I see one more video of someone I know doing ice baths, I’m going to scream. Really, are its benefits so wonderful? Just by opening my Instagram I […]

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