How to take care 0f damaged hair?


If your hair is damaged, today we will give you some tips to restore its shine and natural charm. Depending on the damage your hair has suffered, you will find solutions that will help you achieve it. Let’s see what they are.

Tips to improve damaged hair

Hair can be damaged due to various factors. Climate, nutrition, the use of dryers and chemical products contribute to it losing its healthy appearance.

What can you do to improve its appearance? Continue reading.

Damaged hair is characterized by a lack of hydration, the amount of sebum it produces, the amount of nutrients it receives and also the stress to which it is subjected. Also the tendency of hair itself to be very fine or fragile, frizz, even stress.



Dry hair indicates a lack of hydration and tends to tangle easily and lack shine. In addition, it tends to attract static electricity, which causes the presence of unruly hair that curls and sticks out from the rest of the hair.

Another characteristic of this damage to the hair is that it tends to fluff a lot, which causes excess volume.

How to repair the damage? The first thing is to use masks and hair oils that control the problem. But you should also avoid using heat tools, as they will only accentuate the damage. It is best to let your hair dry naturally and apply specific products that control the hairstyle.

At bath time, use shampoos that offer maximum hydration and supply of nutrients.


The amount of sebum we produce can make hair damage noticeable. If it is produced in excess, the hair becomes very fine, since, due to the overproduction of sebum, the hair bulbs cannot absorb the necessary amount of nutrients. If little is produced, the hair looks dry.

How to solve it? In the first case, the diet must be controlled, ensuring that it is as healthy as possible. It is also recommended to give hair massages in order to help blood microcirculation in the head improve. In the second, products that intensely nourish it must be used in order to strengthen it.

We also advise you to resort to treatments with keratin, which is a substance that the hair cuticle is made of. This protein gives it strength, elasticity and structure.

If you regularly use dryers, straighteners and dyes, it is advisable to reinforce the production of keratin in your hair, since it loses its qualities and resistance, and is lost with each wash.


When hair is damaged, the use of heat tools for drying should be reduced. It is best to wrap it gently in a towel and then allow natural air to finish drying it. If it is necessary to use an electric dryer, opt for a low temperature and at a minimum distance of 15 centimeters from the hair.

Apply products that provide thermal protection.

damaged hair vs repaired hair


To help repair hair damage, it is necessary to take care of our diet. The abuse of saturated fats, processed foods and the consumption of soft drinks prevent the body (and hair) from receiving the nutrients and vitamins necessary to have a healthy appearance.

  • Try to eat raw foods, such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Nuts, such as walnuts and almonds, are highly recommended for their healthy fats.
  • Legumes are high in vitamins, so eat lentils, chickpeas or beans at least twice a week.
  • Oily fish are rich in Omega 3, which will help restore softness to your hair, in addition to giving it hydration and nutrition, as it will improve blood circulation in the scalp.
  • Drink 2 liters of water daily.
  • Don’t forget to consume cereals, as they contain vitamin B, essential for healthy hair.

Reversing the damage of damaged hair requires discipline and specific care that, when done consistently, will offer visible results to once again show off hair full of vitality.


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