What is Maskné and how to easily treat this type 0f pimples?


Due to the mandatory use of masks from a past few years, a type of acne known as maskne has emerged . Derived from its English acronym mask and acne. If you want to know how to prevent it and eliminate it from your face, we invite you to continue reading.

What is maskne?

Maskne is a type of acne caused by the continuous use of face masks; It may appear for the first time or accentuate some type of acne that already exists on the face. This is because the skin does not oxygenate correctly when the masks are on the face, so it rubs and bacteria form that clog the pores and facilitate the appearance of pimples.


Why does maskne appear?

By wearing your face covered for most of the day, an amount of moisture and steam accumulates. These factors cause friction of the fabric on the face, causing irritation in the pores, as well as the possible appearance of small cracks through which bacteria and dirt penetrate. This weakens the skin barrier and allows these blemishes to form.

The accumulation of the aforementioned factors occurs mainly in the mouth area due to saliva, and in the nose, which secretes a certain amount of mucus.

This type of acne appears due to excess humidity and temperature due to the use of face masks, which causes alterations in the oil composition of the skin.

Other causes that lead to the appearance of this type of acne are the lack of hygiene of the masks, as well as stress that can also alter the sebaceous glands. There are skin types that are more affected, such as oily skin, but also those that suffer from rosacea.

How to treat this type of pimples?

As with any dermatological condition, the first thing is to have a diagnosis from a specialist to rule out another possible problem.

If you are already sure that these are specific outbreaks due to the use of face masks, then the following recommendations should be followed:

girl with maskne

Cleansing and strengthening the skin

To treat this condition, the first thing is to carry out adequate cleaning to strengthen the skin walls and restore the pH.

Apply cleansing gels that do not contain soap, but have ingredients such as tea tree oil, which will help reduce impurities without causing the skin to dry out.

Other active ingredients, such as hyaluronic acid, will help strengthen the face while providing protection, especially on delicate skin, thus avoiding redness.

Sun protection spf 50

Applying SPF 50 sunscreen is another of the recommendations that dermatologists suggest for its prevention or eradication.

Day and night creams

In the mornings, use creams that help regulate sebum and at night those that contain glycolic acid that clean the pores and regulate the production of oil in the skin.

Exfoliate face

Peels once a week will help restore the skin’s structure.


Retinoids are compounds of vitamin A and provide good results for the treatment of acne. They help exfoliate cells that clog pores.

How to prevent maskne from appearing?

To prevent the appearance of this acne and, at the same time, reduce it, you must:

Use mild soaps

Use mild soaps after using the mask. Attention must be paid to the type of skin we have so as not to cause greater damage such as dryness or the proliferation of pimples. These soaps must respect the amount of natural oil on our face.

We must insist on the use of products with light textures that are highly moisturizing, the best are those in gel that do not contain oils. These products are best applied at least 30 minutes before putting on the mask.

Giving your face a purifying treatment that promotes oxygenation will also help prevent maskne from appearing, since it will provide a feeling of freshness and cleanliness.

Bactericidal creams

In the case of skin with an oily tendency, a greater amount of sebum is usually produced here and the pores tend to close more easily; If we add to this the production of constant humidity caused by the masacrilla, bacteria will present themselves more easily.

In these cases, it is advisable to apply creams with bactericides to restore balance to the skin.

Avoid stress

Previously we mentioned that stress is also a cause of skin inflammation. Try to do meditation exercises or practice some exercise that helps you relax, as it will help eradicate these imperfections.

Change mask

Using the mask properly can prevent the presence of these pimples on the face. Pay attention to the points where the mask puts pressure on the face and avoid direct contact with the mouth.

As much as possible, remove the mask every two hours so that the skin can breathe. During this period, dry your face and, if possible, wash it. If you use disposable masks, then it is time to change it for a new one.

The type of mask we use also plays an important role in preventing this type of acne. It is better to wear those made of cotton, since this material allows the skin to breathe a little better than those made of neoprene, for example.

Given the new reality that we face every day, maskné is presented as one of the challenges for dermatology professionals. You can reduce or eliminate the presence of these pimples by leading a healthy lifestyle and taking care of the hygiene of both your face and face masks.

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