How t0 make up slanted eyes easily step by step?


One of the most representative parts of the human body are the eyes. Big or small, eyes reflect our different moods, so it is important to decorate them in the best way possible to express feelings or attitudes. However, sometimes this may not be an easy task, especially if you have slanted eyes. How do you know if you have this type of eyes and also how to make up slanted eyes?

What are slanted eyes?

Slanted eyes are associated with people of oriental origin (Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, etc.) and correspond to a type of eye that is almond-shaped instead of spherical, as is the case with people of Western race.

The reason they are different is due to the Epicanthal fold, a wrinkle in the upper eyelid that covers the inner corner of the eyes. Well, you see, according to some experts, we all develop this fold when we are in our mothers’ wombs, but Western babies lose it shortly after being born, while Eastern babies do not.

And you may be surprised to know, but there are also people with slanted eyes in South America, Canada, and some desert areas of Africa. Slanted eyes have a touch of natural exoticism, although they tend to be small, elongated at the ends and with the skin of the upper eyelid falling into the eye, so the bone part is hidden.

Now that you know a little more about slanted eyes, let’s see how to get the most out of them with good makeup that makes you look natural, but at the same time, spectacular in your daily life.

How to make up slanted eyes?

Many of us know how to do our makeup, although the true mastery of makeup is in representing an illusion. From a simple eye contour to the most over-the-top overhauls, makeup can work wonders and eye makeup is no exception. This is how you can make the most of your slanted eyes. Pay close attention!

Contour the fold

Contouring or lining your face is just the beginning of learning good makeup technique. You can use a similar method to create an eyelid crease, even if your own eyelid isn’t well defined. Choose your contour color and use a small brush to buff the color along the base. This will serve to imitate the crease of your eyelid. Finish with a layer of highlighter in the center of the eye for an unparalleled 3D effect.

Eye-catching eyeliner

It’s a beauty myth that slanted eyes shouldn’t wear eyeliner. When worn in a ring around the eye, black eyeliner can exaggerate the smaller shape. The trick? Use a contrasting white or pearl-colored eyeliner on the bottom line and keep the smoky eyeliner on the bottom lashes. This will open the bottom half of the eye and make it look larger as well as brighter.

For this step you can use the straight eyeliner brush, an eyeshadow brush useful for blending and lining. Give greater intensity to your look, because, with straight shape eyeliner you can make a perfect application!


Use the base space

Slanted eyes have much more room to work between the socket and the eyebrow. Applying eyeshadow to the top of the brow bone serves to create the illusion of a larger, deeper eye. Be careful to blend carefully, so you don’t have harsh lines under your eyebrows.

High level tabs

If you have short eyelashes, false eyelashes can take your eyes to the next level, as they not only add definition, but also give shape to the eyelid. Knowing how to make up slanted eyes will help you highlight them with very long eyelashes, due to the space between the eye and the eyebrow.

Many lashes are designed to give a feline look, but slanted eyes already have this shape, so you could opt for a pair of curled lashes that lift the eye up and make it appear rounder. Line only the top line to accentuate the almond shape of the upper eyelid.

Contrasting corners

To exaggerate the shape of the eye you can try contrasting colors on the inner and outer corners. Keep in mind that you’re no stranger to an exaggerated cat eye, but don’t forget the inner corners. A large black wing lifts the eye outward and a contrasting pearl eyeshadow on the inner corners will extend the shape inward.

Finally, remember that it is important to take care of the health of your skin, especially that of the eyes, which is usually thinner compared to the rest of the face.

girl with slanted eyes

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