Sunburn how t0 prevent and relieve it?


Beach bag in hand, sunglasses and hat on head, the vacation was looking good, until that nasty sunburn dampened the mood. Sunburns can be as superficial as they are very serious, depending on the severity of the burn. Redness, tingling, tightness, burning sensation: all unpleasant symptoms of sunburn. Here are our tips to avoid sunburn, and to soothe the skin when the sun has already done its work!


What exactly is a sunburn?

There is a fine line between a tan and a sunburn. Indeed, tanning is actually a defense reaction of the skin, when it is attacked by the sun’s rays. When the attack is not too violent or too long, the skin tans. Beyond a certain stage, it ends up giving way and that’s when sunburn appears.

In question ? Ultraviolet rays emitted by the sun, and more particularly UVA and UVB rays. During long, too intense exposure, or without protection, UVB burns the skin. Fortunately, only 10% of UVB rays reach the deeper layers of the skin, which helps “limit breakage” to the surface of the skin.

However, UVA, whose effects are less visible, penetrates the deeper layers of the skin and accelerates skin aging, while increasing the risk of skin cancer.

The combination of UVA and UVB causes sunburn. These can manifest as a first-degree burn, a superficial second-degree burn, or a deep second-degree burn. We then go from a simple sunburn that goes away in a week, to a burn that takes more than a month to heal, leaving scars behind. This is why it is essential to protect yourself to avoid sunburn.


Is it possible to tan without getting sunburned?

Fortunately, the answer is yes! It is entirely possible to display a sublime tanned complexion without literally burning out in the sun. To tan without risking a painful sunburn, there are a few good things to do. First before summer, to properly prepare your skin, then throughout the exposure period.

Prepare your skin well for the sun

One to two months before the summer season, it may be wise to start preparing your skin for the sun. This is the key to obtaining an even and long-lasting tan, but above all, to preventing the appearance of sunburn.

Before going on vacation, exfoliate your skin well twice a week, so that it is better able to tan evenly. Exfoliated skin will also absorb care better, whether it’s your moisturizer or your sunscreen. Which brings us to the next point: hydration!

To prevent sunburn and premature skin aging, strengthening the hydrolipidic film with a moisturizer is essential. The skin barrier will be stronger, better equipped to fight against ultraviolet rays.

Finally, to prepare your skin for the sun, you can focus on a diet rich in beta-carotenes: mangoes, apricots, carrots, raspberries and strawberries will be your allies in providing antioxidants and essential fatty acids, which will help prepare the skin well. at the exhibition.


The right actions to expose yourself with complete peace of mind

To expose yourself with complete peace of mind, some good practices should be implemented. First of all, avoid the hottest hours to expose yourself, and never go out without the magic combo: hat, glasses, sunscreen. During the first exposures, apply sunscreen without moderation.

Choose an index of 50 if you have sensitive skin, otherwise, an index of 30 minimum. After the first week of exposure, your skin “gets used to the sun”, so you can slowly migrate to a lower index, minimum 15.

Apply your sunscreen in generous layers, every two hours. Know that today, there are protective sun creams that even help you tan better so don’t worry, your sun cream will not prevent you from tanning!

If you have adopted a diet rich in beta-carotene, continue it during your vacation. If you have started a course of herbal medicine to tan better, continue during the exposure.

Finally, on each of your outings, take a bottle of water. It will be very useful for preventing dehydration, but also for protecting your skin: if your skin is hydrated from the inside, it will better resist ultraviolet rays!

How to relieve a sunburn?

Too late, the sun has already hit and your sunburn is making you drool? There are solutions to quickly relieve a sunburn. For a first-degree burn, clean the skin with cool water then apply a thick layer of healing cream. To soothe the pain, the easiest way is to cool the burned area, so you can put your cream in the refrigerator before applying it. For a second-degree burn, clean with either a disinfectant soap or antiseptic so that the blisters do not become infected.

Regardless of the degree of the burn, moisturize the area well to soothe the skin and moisturize to prevent dehydration. Monitor your temperature and don’t hesitate to take painkillers in case of headaches. When you go out, remember to cover the sunburn; you must not expose the burned skin again, and you must protect it from external aggressions.


Please note, in certain cases it may be necessary to consult a doctor:

  • If the sunburn covers more than 10% of the body surface
  • If the sunburn affects particularly sensitive areas (genitals, hands, feet, etc.)
  • If there are signs of infection of the burn
  • If there is an increase in pain
  • In case of headaches, dizziness, vertigo, sensitivity to light.


  1. […] being well prepared before the arrival of sunny days. It will be better protected against UV rays which dry out the skin. To do this, nothing could be simpler: a scrub, an exfoliating treatment, […]

  2. […] been using sunscreen religiously every day since I was 16. My mom always told me that if she didn’t do it, I would get spots on my skin […]

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