Open pores: basic causes and h0w to close them to improve the appearance of your skin


Open pores are a topic of interest for all women, having open pores is more common than it seems, it is one of the most common skin problems. If you want to know the causes of their appearance, what they are, how to improve their appearance , and all the details on the subject, you are in the right place! Keep reading.

What are open pores?

Pores are small holes that are on the epidermis and have multiple functions. The size of the pores is different and depends on the genes, when they are filled with sebaceous secretions, they tend to open, and this happens when the secretion cannot come out, causing the formation of acne, redness and other conditions.

Although they may be annoying, pores are there to perform some important tasks in your body such as:

  • Allow perspiration to regulate body temperature through sweat.
  • Eliminate all toxins that affect the skin to promote hydration.

There are approximately 2 million poresin the skin with the main objective of facilitating perspiration. But what happens when these pores become clogged or infected? That is when they take on that unpleasant appearance that darkens areas of our skin and makes it have a rough and greasy texture.

Why do open pores appear on the face?

Here you will find the 9 main causes. Do you identify with any of them?

1. Excessive sebum:

The skin produces oil naturally to avoid dryness, but when there is excessive production, it triggers a more moist and shiny appearance, which is known as oily skin. This happens because the sebaceous glands have an overproduction of sebum.

Sebum spreads through the other layers of the skin and its entire surface, causing the pores to dilate and more oil to accumulate than normal. Sebaceous activity depends ongenesand pore size.

a girl facing the problem of open pores

2. Decreased elasticity of the skin around the pores:

Pores can open due to aging, stress, hormonal disorders, diet or lifestyle. That is why it is very important to have a healthy lifestyle, drink plenty of water, exercise 30 minutes a day and eat foods rich in vitamin C.

If you have a healthy life, it will surely be reflected in your skin, mood and health.

3. Genetic tendency:

The size of the pores has to do with a genetic load. There are people who have larger pores than others, due to their seborrheic glands; That is, they have oilier skin. This way, when your pores dilate, it can become more noticeable.

4. Increase in hair follicle volume:

This occurs when the follicle becomes clogged by a combination of dirt, dead cells, and makeup. That is why it is so important to always remove all the makeup and impurities that accumulate during the day before going to bed .

Makeup suffocates the skin. Powders and heavy or cream foundations settle in your pores and don’t let you breathe, which is why you can’t hydrate. However, while we sleep our skin has the opportunity to repair itself, so we should not block this regeneration by leaving makeup on our face.

5. Lack of vitamin A:

Vitamin A is one of the most important for normal vision, the immune system, reproduction, as well as growth and development. Vitamin A also helps the proper functioning of the heart, lungs and other organs.

6. Congested skin:

When the skin is exposed to changes in the environment, stress, excessive cold or heat and the sun’s rays, it becomes congested, generating impurities in the open pores. Basically, they are skins that are reactive to climate changes and

pollution and are quite damaged or affected.


7. Very dry or oily skin:

Dry skin is characterized by a skin type that produces less sebum than normal skin. As a result of a lack of sebum, dry skin lacks the lipids it needs to retain moistureand form a protective shield against external influences.

Oily skin has shine and visible pores, it is characterized by excess shine on the entire face, not just in the T zone (forehead, nose and chin). Tendency toward enlarged, visible pores with dirt retention. Acne breakouts, blackheads, open pores, and other imperfections often appear.

8. Adolescence:

Hormonal changes during adolescence can cause acne, dermatitis, increased oil production in the skin and hair, the appearance of white and blackheads, shine in the T zone, and open pores.

9. Skin aging:

Excessive sun exposure along with inappropriate or insufficient sun protection is one of the main causes of open pores. Also pollution, smoking, the weather, alcohol consumption, stress and lack of sleep.

If you have open pores on your face, it is important that you know the tips and recommendations that we will give you below to close them and improve the appearance of your skin.

How to close pores to improve the appearance of your skin?

1. Perform a daily skin care routine

Complying with a daily facial cleansing routine in the morning and at night should be a must have. Using a good micellar solution is ideal for pores to shrink and reduce inflammation.

It is not advisable to cleanse your face more than twice a day, as it could lose its natural oil and look dry. It is advisable to use it with cotton knobs and perform circular massages including face and neck.


2. Exfoliate your face once a week

Exfoliating masks help remove dead skin cells and prevent them from accumulating in the pores.In addition, it gives a smoother and softer appearance to your skin.Don’t scrub too much or use a very abrasive exfoliator, as this could further irritate your face. Exfoliates, cleanses and detoxifies the skin. Remineralizes and nourishes, preventing and reducing spots, wrinkles, enlarged pores and oiliness.

3. Use moisturizing creams according to your skin type

First, it is important to know your skin type, whether it is combination, dry or oily. Moisturizing creams are important because they create a protective barrierthat prevents the accumulation of dead cells, debris or dust particles that prevent proper breathing of the skin.

They prevent dryness, the appearance of peeling and impurities.They promote elasticity, collagen and elastin production,improving the appearance of open pores.

4. Use sunscreen:

One of the main causes of premature aging is not using sunscreen.The purpose is to prevent damage from solar action on the connective tissue from making the pores more visible.It is recommended that in this case the sunscreens are light.

5. Perform steam baths

Steam is important for the skin, since it opens all the pores of the skin, eliminating all the impurities and particles accumulated in them.This facilitates the extraction of blackheads , the elimination of impurities and prevents the formation of pimples.

The recommended time in the vaporization process cannot last more than 10 minutes. Steam baths are very appropriate for oily skin or acne-prone skin.

6. Take care of your diet

A diet high in fats, sugars, junk foods, alcohol consumption and cigarettes contribute to deteriorating the appearance of pores.

It is advisable to include foods high in vitamins A and C , lean proteins, whole grains and omega-3s in your diet . Vegetables and fruit, in these cases, are your best allies.

7. Use serums with a light composition that hydrate the skin

Use serums on the face that have a high concentration of active ingredients, a liquid and light texture favor rapid and deeper absorption.The main benefit is its high effectiveness in combating and preventing premature skin aging .

These serums are ideal for brightening, hydrating, firming and evening skin tone, revealing a healthier, more youthful appearance. They also helps reduce the appearance of open pores.


8. Use ice

Cold water contracts and reduces inflammation of open pores on the face; the best option for these cases is ice.If you have very inflamed or dilated pores, this is a good option:

Clean your face with soap or micellar water.

  1. Take an ice cube and rub it on the affected areas for about 15 or 20 seconds as it could irritate sensitive skin.
  2. Dry your face with a clean towel, applying light pressure, never rubbing.

Now you know the care you should take on your skin to prevent and reduce the appearance of open pores.Remember that if you are healthy inside this is reflected in your skin.

We invite you to visit our blog to learn all about tips to takecare of skin, beauty tips and the best products for skin care and makeup.


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