4 type of pimples: what is the origin of your imperfections?


Ah the buttons… They sometimes make life difficult for us! Having pimples on your face can be painful and represent a real aesthetic inconvenience, but it is not inevitable. To successfully get rid of pimples,It is better to understand what type of pimples they are, in order to treat the cause. What are the different types of buttons? How to get rid of pimples on your face? Here are fashion friend tips.

The different types of buttons

White buttons

White pimples are the most common pimples. These are small pimples, usually less than 3mm, that appear as a bump under the skin. They then evolve into a white button, with a tip which sometimes pierces itself. In dermatological language, we talk about microcysts or closed comedones.

Their cause? An accumulation of sebum, keratin (protein which constitutes skin tissue), and bacteria C. This accumulation blocks the pores, and a white pimple appears. If you touch the pimple too much, or if the environment is favorable for an infection, the small white pimples can develop into a papule or pustule, i.e. a larger and more painful pimple.


Stress buttons

Stress pimples are actually just acne pimples. When you experience significant stress, in the form of a peak, or constant over a given period, the skin is unbalanced. In some people, this results in stimulation of the sebaceous glands, which produce too much sebum. The latter then blocks the pores, and acne spots form.

In this case, beyond pimples on the face, it is entirely possible to also have pimples on the body (often on the neckline and back).


Heat rash

When temperatures rise, it is not uncommon to see heat rash appear. These are small diameter buttons, pinkish-red in color. They can be located on the face, as well as on the body.

When it is hot, excess perspiration cannot escape entirely through the excretory ducts, as it usually does. Sweat then passes into the dermis and epidermis, and small pimples may appear. Heat rash is even more present if the skin is suffocated under a non-breathable material. The material of the clothing can therefore play an important role.


Hormonal spots

Hormonal spots affect adolescents, but also a large proportion of adult women. At puberty, hormones cause the sebaceous glands to become overactive, which leads to the appearance of acne spots. In adult women, the hormonal cycle can influence the balance of the skin. We thus observe hormonal acne the week before the arrival of the period, or during the week of the period. They often appear in the T zone, with pimples on the forehead, chin, and nose.

How to remove pimples on the face?

Pimples on the face can cause real aesthetic discomfort and impact self-esteem. They can also make the skin uncomfortable: pain, itching, inflammation. Finally, if they are not treated properly, they can become infected and leave significant scarring on the face. Fortunately, with a good skincare routinen and good reflexes, it is possible to prevent their appearance.


Clean your skin every day

Since pimples on the face are linked to the increased presence of sebum in the skin tissue, it is important to take care to prevent their appearance. Every day, morning and evening, cleansing the skin will remove excess surface sebum. You can use a cleansing gel dedicated to oily skin. However, be careful not to use treatments that are too harsh, so as not to have reactive hyperseborrhea (the skin defends itself by overproducing sebum).

Focus on exfoliation

In addition to daily cleansing, it is possible to prevent the appearance of pimples by exfoliating the skin. Exfoliating the skin will help unclog the pores and prevent them from being blocked by sebum. If your skin is prone to imperfections, choose chemical scrubs over mechanical scrubs. These are too aggressive for damaged skin and can contribute to the formation of scars. Finally, to protect your skin, do not do more than one exfoliation per week.

remove pim

Use a suitable day cream

When you have pimples on your face, it can be difficult to find suitable care. The skin can be particularly oily, but also reactive and sensitive. If the skin produces too much sebum, it still needs daily hydration. So choose a day cream for oily skin, with a composition rich in water, to stock up on hydration, but not on lipids. Ideally, choose a cream with soothing and healing active ingredients to improve the beauty of the skin.

Treat imperfections locally

In addition to your daily moisturizer, a local treatment for pimples can be effective. There are many dedicated treatments in drugstores, in the form of concentrated gel, or in the form of roll-on. Your local treatment can then be applied after putting on your moisturizer, and after letting it penetrate for a few minutes.

Address the cause of the problem

Adopting a skincare routine adapted to problem skin is a good start to eliminating pimples on the face. However, nothing is more effective than attacking the problem at the root:

  • If it’s stress spots, working on stress management through sports, meditation, or creative activities can help.
  • If these are hormonal spots, anticipate their arrival throughout your cycle and increase scrubs and anti-imperfection treatments beforehand.
  • If you have heat rash, dress in breathable, lightweight materials to limit sweating. If you have sweated a lot, a spray of thermal water on the face before gently patting it dry will prevent the skin from macerating from perspiration.

If you have white spots on a regular basis, without identifying specific sources, it is probably due to overactivity of the sebaceous glands. In this case, an improvement in lifestyle can help: a balanced and varied diet, quality sleep, good stress management. If the imperfections persist and/or are too severe, do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist who can offer you suitable solutions.


  1. Donald says:

    Very interesting

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