5 good habits to prevent sagging skin

sagging skin

At the origin of supple and plump skin, elastin and collagen. However, from the age of 20, elastin and collagen levels gradually decline. In question? Fibroblasts, which determine the amount of collagen and elastin necessary to have firm and toned skin. Over time, they become fewer and fewer in number and less and less alert. Nothing dramatic in itself, but sagging skin can be unsightly. Do these drooping features annoy you? Do you want to prevent and combat facial sagging effectively? Here are 5 good habits to adopt!


Strengthen the hydrolipidic film to prevent skin sagging

If skin sagging is natural, it can occur sooner or later, and to a greater or lesser extent, depending on your lifestyle. Certain factors actually promote sagging skin: exposure to the sun or daily pollution, a stressful lifestyle, an environment with extreme temperatures, etc.

Against all these attacks which accelerate skin sagging, the hydrolipidic film will more or less protect your skin. Made up of water and sebum, this thin film covers the skin and acts as a barrier to external and internal aggressions. But for it to hold up well, it must be maintained. How ? By hydrating and nourishing the skin twice a day (morning and evening), with a water-rich moisturizer. Depending on your skin type, it should also be rich in lipids, especially if you have dry skin. Be careful, hydration also happens internally: you must therefore drink enough, on average 1.5 liters per day.


Practice facial gymnastics to reshape your features

Like our body, the face is made up of muscles that require regular work to stay toned. If skin sagging comes from a change in the composition of the tissues itself, it can also come from a lack of tone in certain areas of the face So, facial gymnastics can be of great help! To be practiced for 5 to 10 minutes a day, facial gymnastics allows you to tone the underused muscles responsible for sagging the face, particularly in the cheeks and neck. The exercises will also allow you to stretch overworked muscles that have remained tense, causing certain expression lines, particularly present around the eyes or mouth.

After moisturizing your skin, perform your exercises every day (regularity is key). You can rely on an exercise book, or tutorials on YouTube: many skin experts have started on the subject!

facial gymnas

Use targeted treatments to combat facial sagging

To give yourself every chance of having results in your fight against sagging skin, don’t settle for a simple moisturizer. Daily, use a cream with active ingredients that will tighten the skin. We think in particular of treatments enriched with collagen, or those which stimulate fibreoblasts. Use product whose formula is enriched with Centella Asiatica and Condurango bark extract, reactivates fibroblasts in order to naturally increase elastin and collagen levels. The skin plumps up, it regains its pretty features and reliefs.

To get the most out of your treatment, consider varying the uses: it can be used both as a daily moisturizer and as a mask. Simply apply it in thick layers and leave it on for 15 minutes. Then remove the excess with a tissue or slightly damp wipe. You will be able to notice a real youthful boost.


Take care of your diet for toned skin

As you know, our skin is maintained with external treatments (cream, mask, massages) but also with internal treatments. That is to say, by drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, but also by providing the skin with all the nutrients it needs through food.

Thus, deficiencies in vitamins, minerals or trace elements can make the skin more fragile, duller, and more easily subject to sagging. Consuming a lot of alcohol, coffee, refined sugar or bad fats can also trigger inflammatory processes in the skin tissue. Its hydrolipidic film is reduced, the skin is left defenseless or almost defenseless against the sun, pollution, tobacco, etc. And it’s a disaster!

We therefore put fruits, vegetables, oilseeds and fish on our plate, and we calm down on very rich, very fatty dishes, and on guilty pleasures like alcohol or coffee. A balanced diet will allow you to maintain young and firm skin, but also to prevent weight variations. Indeed, the fact of gaining weight, losing it, regaining it… will ask the skin to stretch then retract, it will therefore lose firmness, become distended, and this is what will cause facial relaxation.


Work on strategic areas to avoid drooping appearance

When we talk to someone, there are areas of the face that we observe systematically, and other areas that we rarely take the time to analyze. So, if we examine our own face to the nearest millimeter and find the slightest dramatic imperfection, most people stay focused on the eyes, even the forehead, and the contour of the face. Our circle of loved ones will, for their part, let their gaze wander over the mouth and cheeks.

The best way to leave the impression of toned skin? Play strategic! Limit sagging skin in the eye area, since it is the one that attracts the most attention.An eye contour with massaging applicator brush, can allow you to reshape the eye contour. It will help energize a drooping eyelid, or reduce bags under the eyes.


Then, work on the cheeks, the contour of the mouth, and the entire contour of the jaw to sculpt the lower face and tighten the features. To do this, while applying your moisturizer, take the time to massage the area around the mouth to relax all tension. Follow up with targeted exercises on the cheeks and jaw, to strengthen all the micro-muscles in this area which will be able to act in support of the tissues and limit sagging of the skin.


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