Facial reflexology: tell me where you get a pimple and I will tell you what problem you may have


Let’s talk about how to understand the reason for facial imperfections. Because if these grains are repeated frequently, they may mean some imbalance in the body.

The areas of the face where pimples appear can indicate imbalances

If you regularly get pimples in the jaw area, around the mouth or on the forehead, you may be incubating a stomach virus, have a food intolerance, or simply be eating worse and abusing fats. We don’t say it, one of the principles of facial reflexology says it.

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What is facial reflexology and how can it help us?

Facial reflexology is a technique that allows us to identify certain internal problems of our body based on the areas of the face where pimples or imperfections usually appear. It is something similar to foot reflexology, although with certain distances. “With reflexology you can work internal organs by stimulating the feet, face or hands, but it is true that greater pressure can be applied to the feet and stimulated more intensely,” explains beauty expert.

And although it would deserve a separate chapter to understand how facial reflexology can use the more than 1,000 nerve endings in our face to treat internal organs, glands, circulatory system and lymphatic system, it is most interesting to understand that the frequent appearance of Pimples in certain areas of the face can tell us something. Whether it is a health problem– there are certain pathologies that can cause these skin lesions – or simply a wake-up call about bad habits that we should change for the health of our skin. This summarizes the keys to understanding the reason for the imperfections on your face (and facial reflexology).

If pimples are frequent, they tell us something

Before listing the areas of the face in which the appearance of imperfections can be related to a problem in certain organs of our body, it is fair and necessary to specify this: that a pimple that appears punctually in one of these areas does not indicate anything. “In that case we should not be alarmed. When you do have to worry is when we break out and when pimples or blemishes are persistent and annoying. In that case, our recommendation is to go to the doctor.


Recurrent blemishes in the same area of the face: what it can mean

#1. In the jaw area or above the mouth.
Frequent pimples in this area indicate two things: either that you are eating a poor diet or that you suffer from a food intolerance. Consider whether they are repeated frequently to consult with a nutritionist.

#2.Around the mouth and on the chin

As dermatologists explains to us , acne in this area can be caused by a hormonal pathology such as polycystic ovarl, stress or an unbalanced diet. Another pathology that causes it may be perioral dermatitis.

#3.Ovulation and pimples on the chin

The chin is one of the most problematic areas when suffering from acne, but when pimples appear only in this area it can indicate something as simple as that you are ovulating or, if they are persistent, some hormonal alteration that you should consult with your gynecologist.

#4.Pimples on the cheeks

This area is related to the lungs and, therefore, can indicate poor oxygenation of the skin or that tobacco is already taking its toll on your face.

#5.Dark circles and bags

Yes, they can be due to fatigue and lack of sleep, but if a restful sleep and a good eye contour do not relieve them, they may be related to a kidney problem since they are caused by poor drainage and oxygenation of our body.

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#6. Pimples between the eyebrows and around the eyebrow

These areas are related to the liver and gallbladder. “They usually appear when alcohol, high-fat foods and dairy products are abused. It is also a place where outbreaks of food intolerance can appear”.

#7. Redness and enlarged pores on the nose

Both signs, and the marked capillaries in this area, can indicate poor blood circulation.

These imperfections can be treated, but…

When we get a pimple, the most immediate response is to treat it with some bactericidal product. Although this is necessary to do – dermetologists recommends that we forget to touch the pimples with our fingers: “It is very likely that the pus will not come out but will explode inside our skin, causing a strong inflammatory lesion and in the most extreme cases a scar,” he explains, “the key to ensuring that they do not appear again is to identify if their appearance is related to some internal problem. “The skin is the largest organ in our body, which in turn encompasses all the internal organs. If we have an internal problem it will always be reflected in our skin.”

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