What to eat to have beautiful skin?


The beauty of the skin and the contents of the plate have a much closer relationship than one might think. We just need to look at our face in the mirror a few days after a food breakdown to have confirmation. So, if our skin is a reflection of what we eat, what should we eat to have beautiful skin? Focus on radiance, imperfections, wrinkles or even a healthy glow: discover with fashion friends the perfect skin foods to highlight in your menus.

What to eat to have beautiful skin without pimples?

Comedones, excess sebum, blackheads… Even at 50, no one is safe from a little breakout acne, especially after overeating. Fortunately, it is entirely possible to adopt a diet tohave beautiful skin without pimples while enjoying. We favor:

  • Omega-3: they rebalance an excess of omega-6, suspected of promoting acne (fish oil, nuts , hazelnuts, chia seeds).
  • Zinc: it helps fight inflammation (oysters, Shiitake mushrooms, liver and offal).
  • Foods rich in fiber: they are known for their low glycemic index (artichoke, cabbage, legumes).

Foods for supple and comfortable skin in all seasons

If you’re wondering what to eat to have beautiful,soft and supple skin, look no further. In winter as in summer, a strong lipid film is essential to feel good about your skin. Don’t settle for cream and stock up on unsaturated fatty acids at the table.

Extra-virgin vegetable oils: olive oil, walnut oil, rapeseed oil.

  • Essential fatty acids, abundant in fatty fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna).
  • Biotin (vitamin H): it is involved in the metabolism of lipids (eggs, brewer’s yeast, spinach).

Hydration: choosing your diet for perfect skin

Hydrating your skin is essential at any age. And it is precisely the water that you absorb internally that allows the skin to remain deeply hydrated. Do you have a tendency to dehydration? Relieve your tightness by adopting a suitable skin diet:

  • Fruits and vegetables rich in water: watermelon, cucumber, radish, celery.
  • Vitamin E: vitamin E helps to prevent dehydration (wheat germ, almonds, sunflower seeds, avocado).
  • And of course, drink at least 1.5 L of water per day. Also remember to treat yourself with herbal teas, coconut water or beet juice.

Focus on anti-aging beautiful skin diet

What to eat to have beautiful skin that doesn’t look its age? For mature skin, it is above all a matter of consuming foods that compensate for oxidation. Completely natural, this phenomenon is the cause of skin sagging and the appearance of wrinkles.

Antioxidants: they fight the free radicals responsible for accelerated aging (cocoa, red fruits, peppers, cruciferous vegetables, green tea and coffee).

  • Vitamin C: it stimulates the synthesis of collagen (broccoli, blackcurrant, orange and citrus fruits, papaya, aromatic plants).
  • B group vitamins: they encourage the renewal of skin cells (whole grains, dried fruits, eggs).

To target the areas most exposed to signs of aging, supplement your beautiful skin diet with daily use of Anti wrinkle Eye contour brush. In a single product, enjoy the benefits of an effective massage technique, combined with the expertise of a cutting-edge cosmetic formula.

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What diet to have beautiful tanned skin?

Why reserve glow and healthy glow for summer? Even during the cold season, it is possible to give a boost to your complexion with the right foods. The diet reflex perfect skin : favor raw vegetables to stock up on good vitamins and mineral salts.

  • Carotenoids: they encourage the production of melanin (carrot, dried apricot, melon, pumpkin, tomato lycopene).
  • Selenium: this trace element facilitates tanning and protects cell membranes from oxidative stress (seafood, fish, Brazil nuts).
  • Polyphenols: they accelerate the elimination of toxins that darken the complexion (tea, grapes, artichoke, parsley).

Foods to avoid to have (and keep) beautiful skin

Now that you know what to eat to have beautiful skin… it remains to determine what to avoid on your plate. Be careful, this is not about falling into orthorexia: nothing prevents you from having fun from time to time. We will simply monitor our consumption of certain categories of foods suspected of altering the beauty of the skin, without permanently banishing them from our menu.

  • Dairy products (yogurt, cheese, crème fraîche): they are likely to be pro-inflammatory and cause acne.
  • Fast sugars (candies, pastries, sodas): they influence insulin levels and increase sebum production.
  • Refined carbohydrates (cereals, bread, biscuits): like fast sugars, they increase the release of androgens and thus promote inflammatory processes.
  • Alcohol (red wine, in particular): it promotes the appearance of redness of the face and is not recommended for people suffering from rosacea.

What about food supplements for the skin?

Today we find food supplements, for sport, for hair… and of course for the skin . They are not there to compensate for a deficiency, but to offer a boost to your body. Needless to say, it would be a shame to deprive yourself of it.

On the skin side, we can turn to cocktails targeted by problem, to take as a treatment. If the virtues of brewer’s yeast are almost universal, evening primrose will work wonders on dry skin. In case of skin with imperfections, prefer borage to enrich your beautiful skin diet.

Perfect skin foods: patience is essential

Keep in mind that no perfect skin diet will allow you to see results overnight. To reap the benefits of your efforts, you will have to wait at least 4 weeks. This is in fact the average time it takes for skin cells to renew themselves.
In mature skin, this renewal is slower and may require a few additional days of patience. But the game is worth it!


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