How to develop self-confidence?

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Often difficult to gain but so easy to lose, self-confidence is essential in every individual’s life. Simple solutions allow you to develop your self-esteem step by step.


Do not fear the gaze of others

Lack of self-confidence is often due to fear of how others will look. Being different can be stressful. Some people then look for a model to imitate. They try to take the same attitude as a self-confident individual, in vain. Imitation is counterproductive because each individual is different. It is precisely by learning to understand and play on these differences that self-esteem develops. Each personality is created according to each person’s education, lifestyle and environment. Knowing yourself allows you to take a first step towards self-confidence. A true driving force of daily life, it is thanks to it that we can communicate and act without fearing the gaze of others.

In some cases, a lack of self-confidence can lead to the student dropping out.

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Know your abilities

Perfect balance between realism and optimism, self-confidence allows you to have real control over your life. To acquire this strength, you must know your abilities. No one is perfect but everyone excels in one area or another. Without false modesty or misplaced ego, you must know how to be proud of your skills and recognize your shortcomings.
In important moments it is normal to stress. Negative thoughts can then arise. To put all the chances of success on your side, you must learn to tame them and keep them away. To stay motivated despite the difficulties ahead, nothing beats the Coué method. Repeating to yourself “I am the best”, “I want to achieve it” or “I can achieve it” allows you to adopt a positive visualization of the tasks to be accomplished. If, despite these positive thoughts, the result does not live up to expectations, don’t panic! With a clear head, you should evaluate your mistakes to improve and not repeat them again.


To fix objectives

Knowing your abilities allows you to set attainable goals. When studying or after several years on the job market, it is important to define your professional project. To carry out this project, it is necessary to set short and medium term objectives. Each successful intermediate step will enhance the student or young worker. Their self-confidence will then develop as they achieve their goals.
If a goal is not achieved, you must not let yourself be overwhelmed by a feeling of failure. Almost all situations allow you to bounce back. A setback can happen quickly and it’s not the end of the world!


Have a healthy mind in a healthy body

American studies have proven that playing a sport helps improve self-confidence. Practicing regular physical activity helps you look better, feel good in your body and clear your mind. Accompanying a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and sufficient sleep develops self-esteem on a daily basis.
To feel happy and motivated all day long, you have to learn to look in the mirror. According to the theory of facial feedback, by smiling at yourself the brain records and amplifies the emotions displayed. Smiling at others allows you to receive smiles in return and to feel good.


Develop new know-how

In addition to practicing a sport, learning new skills stimulates self-confidence. It’s never too late to learn to crochet, improve your math skills, dance salsa or speak a new language. A study by the British Department for Business, Innovation and Skills of the British government, corroborated the relationship between the acquisition of new knowledge and the feeling of personal satisfaction. Developing new knowledge facilitates the recognition of one’s personal abilities. Without being in competition, accessible goals can be achieved. The effort required will not be experienced as an obstacle but as self-fulfillment.


Self-confidence is a precious asset that must be cultivated on a daily basis. To succeed in life it is important to know yourself, value yourself and accept compliments. Smiling at yourself and at life is the first step in developing self-esteem.

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