How to remove blackheads from the face and nose? Tricks to take care of your skin


If you have come to this post, you are surely interested in knowing how to remove blackheads from the face and nose. For this reason, we have prepared a list of tricks and treatments that you will find in our content, to make these imperfections disappear from your skin. In addition, we advise you on what you should not do when trying to eliminate this type of imperfections.

But first of all, it is important to know what blackheads are and how they form, since before we can eliminate them we must know our enemy.

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What are blackheads and how are they formed?

The first thing you have to understand if you want to know how to remove blackheads from your face and nose is that you should not confuse them with acne.

Blackheads are dark-colored imperfections that appear on the skin due to the accumulation of impurities. Essentially, they arise from the accumulation of sebum in the pore that, in contact with air, oxidizes and acquires that dark tone. It is normal that we all have, because we all have pores; However, a poor cleansing routine could lead to an acne problem.

Tips to remove blackheads from the face and nose

More than eliminating them, it is about reducing their appearance, therefore, you will need a good cleansing routine according to your skin type and specific products that help reduce them. Pay close attention to the following tips on how to remove blackheads:

1.You must be constant in your cleaning routine.

Although all skin types can be victims of blackheads, it is true that combination, oily or acne-prone skin suffers from them more, because their pores are more dilated.

Therefore, follow a specific routine for your skin type. The first step you should consider is to wash your face twice a day, morning and night.

2.Products with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide

Incorporate a product that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to reduce these imperfections. These two are very effective compounds in the treatment of acne.

Remember that if your skin has a bad reaction, it is best to stop using the product and consult a dermatologist.

3.Exfoliate your skin twice a week.

Give preference to chemical exfoliants and not in scrub presentation , since the components of the latter damage the skin and promote the accumulation of impurities. The advantage of chemical exfoliants is that they penetrate the skin better.

4.Use adhesive strips.

If you want to know how to remove blackheads from your nose, band-aids are a short-term solution that you can use once a week. However, what will truly give long-term results is a fit routine that includes products such as masks, scrubs, among others.

5.Activated carbon

Without a doubt it is the star product. Currently, charcoal is one of the newest cosmetic treatments to combat acne and blackheads. This ingredient works best when you come out of a bath, as the pore is more open.

Its most common presentation is in masks, although you can find it in adhesive bands. Clay masks are also very effective in treating blackheads.

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6.Start doing peels.

A peel is a treatment that serves to regenerate the skin while dead cells are shed. In this step, it is very important to choose the specific product for your skin type or consult with a dermatologist first about what is best for you.

It is common to think that peels are very aggressive with the skin and leave it red and irritated, however, you have nothing to worry about. Of course, you have to be very careful and follow the instructions, as well as not abuse its use.

7.Drink water

Drinking between 6 and 8 glasses a day helps keep your skin hydrated and eliminate toxins.


Common mistakes when removing blackheads

You must be careful how you remove blackheads, since sometimes, rather than benefiting your skin, you hurt it.

We tell you some of the most common mistakes so you can avoid them:

ā€“ The most common of all: squeezing and tightening blackheads. How many times have we been told not to do it and yet we spend the night in front of the mirror tormenting our skin?

Squeezing them will only cause bacteria to spread and your face to swell; Furthermore, this gesture is what generates scars on the skin that are not so easy to fade.

ā€“ Avoid products that contain alcohol as they dry out the skin too much and, when it feels attacked, it generates more sebum. A toner serves to control excess fat produced.

ā€“ If you have an excess of blackheads, it is best to go for a professional extraction with a dermatologist to avoid infections.

Finally, specific and constant skin care will help you combat blackheads.

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