The 7-day diet to deflate the belly and lose weight

Lifestyle C 1

Losing belly in a single week at over ? It is possible if you know the correct diet and exercises that science has backed as effective in eliminating belly fat.

After 40 years of age, losing a belly can start to be a challenge. If women already have a greater tendency to accumulate fat in the abdominal area, from this age onwards a series of hormonal changes begin that, as they progress, make it more complicated to reduce the diameter of the belly.

belly fat


Luckily, with the right diet and a good exercise routine you can achieve more than obvious results in just one week. For this reason, we propose a plan to lose abdominal fat that includes a free weekly menu, an exercise plan to lose abdominal fat that is supported by rigorous scientific studies, and tricks that work to lose belly. Let’s do it!


If what we are looking for is to lose abdominal fat, we cannot limit ourselves to eating less, generating a caloric defict in the body, that is, consuming fewer calories than our body uses to force it to use fat reserves.

In other words, we cannot leave everything in the hands of eating more vegetables, fruits and lean meats, as they usually tell us in any basic diet to lose weight. It is necessary to resort to foods that accelerate and enhance the combustion of fats.

This is because there is no diet that can eliminate fat from a specific area of the body, but by burning more fat you lose volume in general and, therefore, also from the belly. Furthermore, when designing the diet, our nutritionist has achieved other “side effects” such as deflating the belly, avoiding gas, improving intestinal transit…And all of this added together contributes to smoothing the belly.


As we said, this diet is hypocaloric, that is, it provides fewer calories than we use in a day, and contains foods that prevent gas, bloating or fluid retention.

In addition, this diet to lose belly contains abundant vegetables and fruits, since science supports that they are the key to losing weight. However, it does not include any type of fruit and vegetables, only those that have been shown to “hit the target” for losing belly after the age of 40 and which are the following:

Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C and flavonoids.

It is preferable to consume those that provide us with vitamin C (for example, tomatoes or broccoli) or are rich in flavonoids (the red ones). In the first case, the antioxidant properties of these vegetables will help combat abdominal inflammation. On the other hand, pieces with reddish tones, such as tomato or red pepper, favor the mobilization of fats.

Legumes rich in fiber and isoflavones.

Legumes are rich in soluble fiber, which is key to enhancing the weight loss process that begins with a caloric deficit. In addition, they contain choline, a vitamin that actively participates in the fat assimilation process. It is especially advisable to consume soy, since it provides isoflavones, calcium and estrogens, three essential components for losing belly after the age of 40, when hormonal changes begin and our hormone levels fluctuate.

Healthy fats that burn fat.

Although it may seem untrue, there are certain fats that are favorable for reducing the abdomen. Clear examples are nuts, avocado, olive oil, fish, and some dairy products rich in vitamin D.

Whole carbohydrates, few but select.

Although it is necessary to moderate their consumption to induce our body into a caloric deficit, whole grains are the best allies for belly reduction. The most advisable are oats, wheat, barley, quinoa or whole grain rice.

However, it is important to avoid refined flours.


Spicy foods, such as spices and chili peppers, which stimulate thermogenesis thanks to capsaicin, are also positive for slimming the belly. But, like everything, it is not advisable to abuse it.

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On the other hand, in our diet there are a series of foods that, as far as possible, we should avoid. They may seem very obvious, but it is essential to keep them in mind at all times to lose belly during this detox week.


Alcohol is what we know as empty calories. It does not provide any essential nutrients for our body, but it does provide a large amount of sugar that will only make us bloated and prevent us from losing abdominal fat.

Sauces and dressings.

As in the previous case, salts such as ketchup or those prepared for salad are usually just empty calories. A lot of sugar and little nutritional contribution.


Foods known as “ultraprocessed” are very harmful to our health if we abuse them, and especially to lose some belly. With this type of products we will introduce saturated fats, excess cholesterol and a lot of sugar into our body.


. Breakfast. Oat flakes (40 g) cooked with milk or sugar-free vegetable drink + 1 piece of fruit or 1 slice of whole wheat or rye bread with fresh cheese, slices of tomato and lettuce + 1 piece of fruit

  • Meal. Green salad + meat or fish or legume + 1 piece of fruit

. Dinner. Vegetable cream + egg or fish + 1 yogurt

Only if you need it, between meals you can occasionally have a yogurt with a tablespoon of oat bran or a microwave-roasted apple with infusion. But in this case, it is better that you give up dessert for lunch or dinner and replace it with an infusion.


From the first day you will begin to burn fat but, in addition, you will also notice how you have less gas, less bloating and how your intestinal transit improves. And, as we said, this is combined with the exercise plan that you will find below.

That is why we recommend that before starting your plan to lose your belly after 40, you take measurements of your belly. Thus, after the first week, you will be able to see how many centimeters you have lost. And if you prolong the diet and continue for a couple of months, you will notice even better results.


The key to seeing results in the abdomen area is to do enough physical exercise. However, it’s important to know that it’s not all abs.

In a six-week follow-up of different test subjects,it was shown that abdominal training had almost no effect on belly diameter. This is because this type of practice contributes to muscle and not to burning fat, which is what is necessary to start losing belly.

Therefore, even if we do the occasional sit-up, it is important to follow a much more balanced exercise table, which does not discriminate against aerobic exercises .



The most recent studies regarding the loss of abdominal fat reinforce the sustained theory that walking just 30 minutes a day , at a light pace, and at least 6 times a week, contributes to reducing the area and preventing the accumulation of fat. lipids.

Therefore, the best way to start this exercise schedule will only be to go out for a walk during this period of time.

In case you are in good physical shape and this exercise is a bit short for you, you can jog, run, swim and even ride a bicycle. The important thing is to move and burn the calories consumed during the day. If you have followed the diet well, you will enter a caloric deficit at the end of these 30 minutes and you will begin to burn fat in the second part of the workout.


Once you are done with the half hour of aerobic exercises you can move on to do some strength training. These should not be exclusive to the abdominal area, as we have already explained before. The truth is that, increasing body mass can help the metabolism to accelerate, and therefore we will be able to activate the fat burning that is so difficult to start when we have past 40 years.

That is why we have designed this table of physical exercises that will help you progressively build muscle, accelerating fat burning and, therefore, losing belly during this intensive week.

1. Squats

We start the exercise table with some squats. We can do 10 to 20 repetitions. If you want to do more than one series you should rest approximately one minute between each one.

  1. Stand upright, with your feet slightly apart and your back straight.
  2. Imitating the gesture of sitting in a chair, slowly bend down. If you

feel any pain, it is important to stop the exercise.

You can do this exercise with a pair of dumbbells if you have made it through 20 repetitions without problems and want to add a little more power to the workout.

2. Lunges or lunges

As in the previous case, you can perform this exercise with or without dumbbells, depending on your physical condition. You have to do between 5 and 20 repetitions, increasing the amount progressively as you notice more resistance to the exercise.

Move one leg forward, placing the knee at a ninety-degree angle.

3. Boards or plates

You can do between 5 and 10 repetitions of this exercise, depending on how your body tolerates it.

  1. Lie face down on the floor, and use your hands and knees for support.
  2. Step your feet back little by little, until you are resting on their tips.

This exercise, which does not seem complicated at all, can be somewhat more difficult to perform if we are not in good physical shape. Therefore, it is advisable to start with 5 repetitions and increase up to 10 as the body adapts.

  1. Raise one of your legs until it is at a 90º angle and hold for between 10 and 60 seconds, depending on your resistance.
  2. Draw a circle with your foot, following a clockwise direction.
  3. Repeat six times and lower your leg.
  4. Perform the same exercise with the other leg.

You can do this exercise between 5 and 10 minutes daily. The ideal is to start with 5 and go up little by little, as you strengthen your muscles.

  1. You can start on the floor or using a supportive chair to increase the level of effort.
  2. Support yourself on your hands and the balls of your feet.

3.Return it to its starting point and repeat with the other knee.

4.Keep repeating the movement for 5 or 10 minutes.


6. Abs

Although this exercise alone will not make you lose belly, it is essential to muscle the area as you eliminate excess fat. Therefore, you can do 10 to 12 repetitions at least 3 times a week.

  1. Start by lying on your back, with your back straight and your knees bent so that your feet rest on the floor.

2.Place your hands behind your ears or on your chest, as possible.

3.Take a breath, and when you release it, lift your back off the ground.

If you notice difficulty you can use your hands to gain momentum.


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