16 World’s best Places to Visit

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Always the same answers to the question about which places in the world you should visit, right? Traveling is an adventure, and it doesn’t have to be limited to the same old tourist sites. That is why we wanted to make a somewhat different post talking about less common tourist places in the world, those that do not always appear in travel guides as the essential ones.

In the post you will find best tourist destinations in the world (from a less common point of view), to delight all your senses.

And yes, many are tourist attractions, but they can all be enjoyed as a traveler (not just another tourist). Some are destinations full of legends, others paradisiacal beaches or natural wonders of the world.

1. Ahu Tongariki, Easter Island (Chile)

Easter Island is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean,it is one of the most remote inhabited islands on the planet.

It is the largest ceremonial monument in Polynesia and the largest construction on the entire island.

This is almost 100 meters long and 15 moais are held there, additionally, traditional sculptures of the Rapa Nui culture are also built to preserve the energy of their ancestors.

It is also one of the most magical places to enjoy the sunrise on Easter Island.


2. Stonehenge

Talking about Stonehenge is not just talking about the largest stone circle in the world and one of the oldest constructions in our history (5,000 years BC).

It is also talking about one of the most mysterious places on the planet, since the exact purpose of this construction remains an enigma to this day.

It is believed that it could have been a cemetery, a place of worship, an astronomical observatory, a symbol of unity between the different tribes of the time…

Stonehenge under dramatic sunset sky with long shadows

3. The Pyramid of the Sun

Icon of the great Archaeological Site of Teotihuacán , located north of Mexico City.

The Pyramid of the Sun draws attention for its enormous size, especially notable when you stand right in front of it ready to reach the 63-meter-high summit, overcoming its almost 240 steps step by step.

Although the Pyramid of the Sun is the most important structure of this great city inhabited for thousands of years, we leave you other points of interest that you cannot miss:

  • Pyramid of the Moon.
  • Roadway of the Dead.
  • Palace of the Feathered Serpent.

Take into account the weather and sunny days. In this area of Mexico the weather is usually hot , so if you are going to spend long hours, don’t forget your sun protection, glasses and a bottle of water.


4. Blue Mosque

Seeing the Blue Mosque up close is one of those indelible moments that your eyes will remember forever.

It is the most important mosque in Istanbul and also one of the most beautiful (if not the most) both outside and inside.

Outside you will find a true architectural work drawn with arches, curves, majestic domes and its characteristic 6 minarets.

But we also recommend that you don’t miss the interior. When you’re inside, look up and you’ll see more than 20,000 blue tiles adorning the main dome and the top of the building, hence its name.

Blue mosque and hagia sophia ..

5. Crystal Spout

This river in Colombia is an authentic jewel of nature and one of the most beautiful rivers in the world. It is also known as the river of five colors since through its waters you can see shades of yellow, green, red, blue and black.

Come on, an explosion of colors that will make you want to take out the camera immediately. This will happen to you practically in all of Colombia, a country full of light, color and nuances everywhere.


6. Tatacoa Desert

We already warned you, Colombia is a country full of contrasts, and the Tatacoa desert, one of the largest arid areas in Paris, corroborates this.

This desert is characterized by its ocher and gray colored lands, surprised by the green of the cacti that appear at will throughout its more than 300 square kilometers.


7. The Great Wall of China

One of the most beautiful places in the world and an essential visit if you travel to China could not be missing from this list. Wall that was built thousands of years ago to defend the Chinese empire from constant invasions, and which is now among the 7 wonders of the modern world. There are many possible sectors where you can see the Great Wall of China, but the most accessible for travelers are those closest to Peking (Beijing).

Great Wall of China in Summer

8. Victoria Falls, Zambia and Zimbabwe

These impressive waterfalls are located on the natural border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, and are considered one of the largest in the world.

Its dimensions are truly surprising, more than 1,700 meters wide and 108 meters high, approximately twice as high as Niagara Falls.

Victoria Falls, the smoke that thunders or Mosi-oa-Tunya. Border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. Africa

9. Machu Picchu, Peru

Latin America has impressive tourist areas and one of the most incredible places is in Peru.

Yes, we are talking to you about Machu Picchu, one of the wonders of the modern world .

It is not just about seeing the stone city of the Incas, but about:

  • Get there in the most adventurous way possible : If there is a route worth doing, it is the famous Inca Trail. 4 days of walking to live firsthand the experience of the aborigines that this country preserves.
  • Get to know the surroundings : Pisac, Ollantaytambo and Chinchero are towns that are nearby and that offer landscapes as impressive as or more impressive than Machu Picchu.

Truly, it is one of the tourist destinations that offers the most adventures.


10. Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Dubai is one of the favorite tourist destinations for those who appreciate luxury and glamour.

Traveling to Dubai is in complete contrast to all the cheap places to travel that you can find in any other travel guide.

Here you can find:

  • The only 7-star hotel in the world, Burj Al Arab.
  • One of the most luxurious mosques in existence, Al Farooq Mosque.
  • The tallest building on the planet, Burj Khalifa.

The most interesting thing is the culture shock experienced by travelers who go to the Arab Emirates.

11. Petra, Jordan

Petra is a city carved out of rocks more than two thousand years ago by an Arab tribe, the Nabataeans.

Due to its location, it became a very important city that linked places that made up the famous Silk Road.

It was also on the way to other places that connected with China, southern Arabia, Greece, Rome…

In short, it was so well located in its time that it could not help but become an imposing city.

Today, there are cliffs 80 meters high and facades full of detail excavated in stone.


12. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Well, when I talk to you about Angkor Wat, you will have no doubt that it is a tourist destination that you have to visit.

One of the most visited tourist places in the world: Angkor Wat

These are ruins that are in the middle of nature, completely covered in plants, trees, and magic.

In short, a temple complex that:

  • It extends over 82 hectares.
  • You can travel in different circuits (one of 18 kilometers and another of 26).
  • You need at least 3 days to get to know it well.

13. Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

The Pyramids of Giza in Egypt deserve to be seen in nature, live and direct.

Not only is it one of the most important monuments in the world, but it is also one of the oldest.

The three main pyramids are Cheops, Khafre and Mycerinus.

We can tell you that Antonio greatly enjoyed learning about Bedouin customs and exploring the roots of one of the civilizations that has had the most influence in the world throughout history.

Because that’s what it’s about, seeing a little further and taking advantage of being in contact with a completely different culture but one that, at the same time, has been rooted in many aspects.


14. San Francisco, United States

San Francisco is built between hills, and this is what makes it a very picturesque city. But that’s not why I wanted it to be on this list.

In addition to its fantastic weather, San Francisco gives you the opportunity to explore an incredible variety of cultures.

It is made up of colorful neighborhoods in which different cultures coexist, who came to this city to stay;Walking its streets is like taking a small trip around the world.

Plus, of course, you can visit Alcatraz prison (the high-security prison where Al Capone was imprisoned). This is pure tourism.

The funny thing is that, according to history, no one escapes from Alcatraz because of the sharks. However, the sharks that live in this area are very small, they couldn’t eat anyone!

I couldn’t fail to mention, also, the Golden Gate .This iconic bridge is actually half painted. And it was initially planned that it would be painted in black and yellow stripes, so that it could be seen even in fog.

However, the architect really liked how it looked red, which was actually the base coat of paint to protect the steel.

And that’s how it remained, as we know it today.

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San Francisco skyline and Bay Bridge at sunset, California

15. Taj Mahal, India

Agra, India. This is the place where the Taj Mahal is located, which means “Royal Palace”.

Although this place is famous for being one of the 7 wonders of the world , within its luxurious walls it keeps a lot of history that is worth knowing.

To be built you needed:

  • More than twenty thousand workers.
  • More than a thousand elephants bringing materials that were hundreds of kilometers away.
  • More than thirty different types of stones, between precious and semi-precious, to decorate the walls.

All this so that, today, you can see how the white marble of the Taj Mahal reflects the colors found in its surroundings, and which of course change depending on the time of day.

Taj mahal on a bright day in Agra, India – A monument of love in clear blue sky

16. Lamu, Kenya

Lamu is one of the jewels of Kenya, still untouched by mass tourism. An exotic and calm tropical island that will lower your heart rate as soon as you set foot on it.

In Lamu, stress does not exist. There are not even vehicles, the official means of transportation today is still donkeys.

Relax with a long walk along its beaches, soak up history by strolling through the ancient city of Lamu or simply enjoy watching life go by at its own peaceful pace.

Lamu old town waterfront, Kenya, UNESCO World Heritage site

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