Natural Eyelash Growth Cycle


What is the eyelash growth cycle?

Eyelashes give emphasis to the look and make the difference between looking normal or spectacular. For this reason, it is important to know their growth cycle and how long it takes them to grow. All this to be able to take advantage of the potential of our gaze.

Like any process, eyelash growth takes time and a cycle, below we will tell you what it consists of. These go through a period of development where they break off and grow again according to the following three stages:

We want them to be longer, thicker and look fuller. Therefore, we bring you the best tips so that you can use them and get spectacular eyes.

Anagen Stage

Here begins the process where new hair pushes out the old hair and it falls out. This leaves room for the growth of a new bulb.

At first, these new hairs are interspersed among the others; Their appearance is thinner and lighter, but they will continue to grow and develop.

Catagen phase

During this phase, the root is slowed down and begins to stop its growth. Depending on how long each stage lasts, the follicle will be healthier. During this stage is when you begin to see a change in thickness, as the eyelashes are darker and fully developed.

But, as everything that goes up must come down, at this point the degeneration and shrinkage of the follicle also begins (again), gradually eliminating the developed hair.

Telogen phase

This phase is a resting phase, when the hair is about to fall out and a new bulb is growing . Finally, it falls and starts the whole process again.


How long do eyelashes take to grow?

The loss of eyelashes is completely normal and necessary in their development, but it is always discouraging when we see our eyelids almost empty. That’s why we ask ourselves: how long do they take to grow?

Development time is affected by various factors such as pathologies of the follicle or the eyes. Being healthy, even if they are pulled out from the roots, they grow back in approximately 6 weeks.

The entire process of the anagen phase can take between 30 and 45 days to complete. Remember that the healthier the follicle, the longer it will take to grow. The transition or catagen stage can last between 14 and 21 days and, finally, the telogen phase can last up to 30 days.

Keep in mind that these phases can be carried out at the same time in a single pore and there are different hairs that go at different levels.


How to grow eyelashes naturally?

Each of the stages of the growth cycle is very important for the lifespan of our eyelashes. But how can we speed it up?

We can find different tips to stimulate the development of eyelashes, some taken directly from grandma’s trunk and others more scientific. The point is to be able to get those dream eyelashes that we want and not be tormented if we see that our eyelids are semi-empty.

Below, we give you a series of tips that will probably empower your gaze.

Live a healthy life

Most beauty tricks start with this simple step, it is no coincidence that those who do not take care of their health take a toll on their appearance.

Clean and remove your eyelashes

To prevent your eyelashes from weakening and falling out prematurely, it is best to remove makeup residue in a timely manner. If you forget to remove your eye makeup, your hair will harden and fall out, since the mask contains chemicals that decrease its natural growth.

For this step, use suitable and good quality products such as miscellar water or, if you prefer a completely natural option, olive oil.

Use the eyelash curler sparingly

Or perhaps it would be best not to use it, but if it is essential to you, then try to reduce its use from every day to every other day. Gradually until you only apply it on special occasions.

Do not abuse mascara

We know that the mask gives a super effect to the face, but it is best not to abuse its application. It may not be necessary to apply it every day or at least not a waterproof makeup type .


Nourish your eyelashes

Just as we nourish our body so that it is strong, eyelashes are no exception and some extra nutrient will always be appreciated.

There are some oils that are well known for their properties that accelerate hair growth and health, and just by applying a little daily you will notice the difference.

  • Almond oil , better if it is of 100% natural origin. Apply it gently from where they start to the tip, this will hydrate them and enhance their growth.
  • Castor oil promotes growth and will also help them look longer. Apply it on the foundation to achieve a better result.
  • Jojoba oil promotes their growth and keeps them naturally moisturized. Plus, it makes them stronger. Spread it from the roots with the help of a cotton swab.
  • Aloe vera , known worldwide for its attributes, apply it as a mascara and you will see a noticeable improvement in their growth.

Your eyelashes will continue to grow steadily, rest and grow again. All this depends, to a large extent, on your diet and care. This is how their natural growth works, don’t be discouraged if suddenly your eyelids are a little empty, they will grow.


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